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发表于 2012-12-8 23:37

as we become more skilled

Today, conscious parenting is a growing trend. Conscious parenting being an awareness of both parents beginning pre-conception that says each parent’s thoughts and feelings are intently influential upon the cells and genetic potentials of their offspring, and thus requiring parents’ nurturance of the highest budding possibilities. With such an understanding, the human species may be moving into an era whereby the divine self having been supported and encouraged from prebirth, birth and through the first 25 to 30 years, will cause the physical body to evolve to advanced levels of capabilities and health. Either way, conscious or unconscious, the connective tissue of the body and the fascial web, appear to play an essential role in our physiology eventually “turning on” to Spirit.
Since my expertise is energy medicine self-help, I see a perfect relationship with the connective tissue of the body and energy healing. Applying regular energy self-healing, say in the form of Healing Touch Quick Steps, has been proven to help the body rid itself of accumulations in the tissue. In fact,, the sooner you apply self-induced healing quick steps after a discomfort or trauma occurs, the less likely it will settle in your tissue. Remember, the varying depths of your biological tissue are all made up of cells. If the tissue is not bogged down with disturbances from conception, in utero and on through adulthood,abercrombie, especially connective tissue that is an intelligent mechanism for experiencing wholeness, how much easier can it be to always be in a conscious state of wholeness? Science validates that our biology speaks volumes.
To recap so far, science and physiology mention that by the age 25 or so,air jordan pas cher, some of our essential connective tissue webbings have finally matured. This improved phase of physical prowess seems to be some sort of turning point in our human development. The brain is good to go and the whole physical body is strong and structurally sound including the earth part or lower half of the body. Spirit is ready to take charge, to become fully engaged in life in a body.
From the perspective of physical anatomy,abercrombie france, we begin to understand a correspondence between our connective tissue, emotions and living life in a state of wholeness. Our body in its natural state is a vehicle of wholeness. The fascial web is connective tissue. Our emotions and feelings are a link to the higher energies that are experienced through feelings.
Science continues to shed ever more light upon the magnificence of the human body and its constant interactions with Creative Intelligence. It seems humans have a built-in “fail safe” mode when our conscious spiritual nature switches on, somewhere around age 25. Even when the soul is remembered from birth, the physical body may not be ready to fully engage in soul’s agenda until the age of 25 or later because some of the connective tissue doesn't mature until then.
From the study of embryology for example, we discover that when we are born the upper half of our body’s structure and musculature is more developed than our hips, legs and feet. In some philosophies, the upper half of the body is considered heaven and the lower half of the body relates to earth, with the waistline relating to the mind and being a bridge between heaven and earth. The pelvis at birth is largely made up of cartilage (connective tissue). That makes sense since we have to be fairly sturdy with heart and essential organs for life well protected, as well as really malleable to move through the tunnel into the world. The squeezing through the canal may actually make us stronger for living outside of the womb because of the relationship between pressure, weight-bearing and bone density. We are told our fontanel (the soft spot opening at the top center of the skull) takes about 18 months or longer to fully solidify. In contrast, our pelvic,abercrombie paris, hip and leg connective tissues and muscles are not fully developed until we reach about the age 25.
First, let’s define connective tissue so we have a good visual. According to About.com Biology, connective tissue serves a "connecting" function. It supports and binds other tissues. Unlike epithelial tissue, which covers the outside of the body and lines organs and cavities and the cells of which are very closely packed together and joined with little space between them, connective tissue typically has cells loosely scattered throughout the body matrix. For example, in an epithelium, which also connects, the free surface is usually exposed to fluid or the air (like skin) while the bottom surface is attached to a basement membrane. This is different than loose connective tissue, which in vertebrates, is the most common type of connective tissue. Loose connective tissue holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues.
In the December 16, 2010 Newsweek Magazine article entitled, The Adolescent Brain -The Kids Can’t Help It - What new research reveals about the adolescent brain—from why kids bully to how the teen years shape the rest of your lifeSoul Aerobics – Conscious Movement of a Soul into Wholeness,burberry soldes, I unconsciously said more than once that I reached a point after about 25 years of age, when I felt life was no longer “happening to me,franklin marshall.” Rather it seemed to me that age 25 was about the time the soul became the pilot of my life, or at least I had become aware that something had shifted.
Now what about the pivotal age of 25? Dr. Thomas Armstrong, author of The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life,, says a person who is 25 years old is in the stage of life he calls early adulthood. In fact he calls this age (20 to 35) “The Lost Generation” because there is the least amount of research devoted to this stage than any other phase of human development. This age also is the time of best health, prime physical abilities, and the least amount of colds and physical difficulties. The prime directive of Early Adulthood is to leave the familiar, parents, community and school, and go off and make something of oneself. You are finally ready to begin life on your own.
Is 25 an age of activation or an age of participation, or both?
So our physical connective tissue plays a crucial role in our knowing a holistic, benevolent world as well as our expressing as spirit in matter. The body and spirit are intrinsically linked; one part moves and the whole being responds.
Loose connective tissue is named based on its characteristic "weave" and is made up of collagenous (cartilage is made up of collagens), elastic, reticular, or fibrous types of fibers. Fibrous connective tissue, which is found in tendons and ligaments, is composed of large amounts of closely packed collagenous fibers. Cartilage, for example, is avascular, meaning that it is not supplied by blood vessels; instead, nutrients diffuse rather like osmosis through the matrix of tissue.
Drs,abercrombie. Feitus and Schultz also inform us that from birth onward “increased demand for movement furthers the maturation of the connective tissue. As we use a part, it becomes more capable, more skilled. In turn, as we become more skilled, we explore a wider range of movement.” (p.23) “In addition, the physical response to emotion is through the soft tissue,burberry. The fascia is the emotional body,,” say Feitus and Schultz. (p,abercrombie france.49) The more we move, the more the connective tissue refines and the greater our ability to experience life holistically.
In addition, the goodness of our thoughts and feelings may be considered nutrients for the loosely scattered cellular wellness of our connective tissue.
Next month we’ll explore more of the spiritual nature that is being “switched on” from about age 25, and what this may mean for so many baby boomers, who beginning January 1, 2011 will be retiring at a rate of 10,000 per day. Is there another wave of something mobilizing here?
In the book, The Endless Web: Fascial Anatomy and Physical Reality, Drs. R. Louis Schultz and Rosemary Feitis suggest the importance of looking at the body as a whole when looking at the muscle-bone concept of movement. Key word: Movement. “When one part moves, the whole body responds, and the only tissue that can mediate such responsiveness is the connective tissue.” There are those words again: connective tissue. (Introduction vii)
In the meantime, take care, take great self-care.

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发表于 2015-7-15 13:28
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