

发表于 2009-11-7 18:17 |阅读模式

其实我的 本意 是希望 大家多看到 到FIFA 有用的补丁 , 毕竟 FIFA 的玩家很少

经JS柳 版主 建议 ,我自己 已手动 全部 取消 ''回复”图片{:4_87:}

(只是FIFA 也少玩了 ,大家 自己多找点补丁吧)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 18:17

常见 打了 补丁之后 导致跳出问题解决方案:

【FIFA 10 导入文件限制破.解】解决 补丁过多引起 跳出的问题
【FIFA 10 修复工具】修复 打画面补丁之后 出现跳出的问题
【FIFA 10 修改器教程】万能编辑器 CM10 详尽 图文教程
【FIFA 10 修改器】万能编辑器CM10--BEAT4.0 大更新~(10.27更新)



10.27 CM10   BEAT4.0最新整合


Creation Master:

CM 10 Beta 4 - FileFront
CM 10 Beta 4 - FilePlay

Sound Master: Edit commentaries, chants and songs.
SM 10 Beta 2 - FileFront
SM 10 Beta 2 - FilePlay

DB Master: Edit any FIFA 10 database in tabular format.
DBM 10 Release 10.2 - FileFront
DBM 10 Release 10.2 - FilePlay

File Master: Navigate the FIFA 10 file system.
FileM 10 Release 10.2 - FileFront

Internal Master: Edit career, pro and other files created bi FIFA 10 in a tabular format.
IM 10 Release 10.1

Manager Master: Visual editor for your career.
MM 10 Beta 1 - FileFront

Kit Design Master: Create new kits, fonts, boots, balls.
KDM 10 Beta 1 - FileFront
This package includes only the executable files. You can use the graphic package of FIFA 09. A new package for FIFA 10 will be available later (maybe).

Face Design Master: Create new faces.
FDM 10 Release 10.1 - FileFront

Free Kick Master: Edit corner and freekick setplays.
FKM 10 Release 10.1 - FileFront

new CMS Patch Converter: Convert any patch in a CMS compliant patch
CMSPC 10 Beta 1 - FileFront
This is a "work in progress" tool and it is not very well documented , its usage is recommended only to expert users

new Animation Master: Edit the movements that players do during the game.
AM 10 Beta 1 - FileFront
This is a "work in progress" tool and it is not very well documented , its usage is recommended only to expert users

------------------------ BY Ronaldo / soccergaming(补丁大师,每年的修改器 都是他做的{:4_84:} )



CM10 使用教程


CM10 汉化版:
(先下载CM10 ,然后放到安装目录 就是 汉化版了)






 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 18:18





发表于 2012-1-12 15:28
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