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[游戏攻略] FM2012 SI公开详解12.1中引擎的变化

发表于 2011-12-30 08:54 |阅读模式

FM2012 SI公开详解12.1中引擎的变化

- we made AI attacking corner routines more similar to the human ones that we know are effective. But to balance things we also maelivery of corners a bit less accurate and also made it harder to head the ball accurately under severe pressure.


- we made AI managers use touchline instructions a bit better. Main one used more is 'work ball into box' for the higher standard teams.


- I fixed a slightly curious bug in the positioning of full backs in the defensive third of the pitch which in theory allowed teams to get in behind defences too easily in wide areas.

修正了一个罕见的 bug。边后卫在后场选位时,可能会让对方在边路轻松突破后防

- team talk changes relating to managers world reputation in relation to works rep of their players. This would probably only apply if you are a low reputation manager in charge of a team of international standard players.


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