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[游戏攻略] FM2017 官方发布v17.20版本[附更新说明及翻译]

发表于 2016-12-16 20:33 |阅读模式


以下由PlayGM论坛的会员giggsxbr 对官方公布的内容进行的翻译:



  - Fixed rare instances of crash on continue
  - 修复了继续游戏导致程序崩溃的罕见问题

  - Fixed lag when browsing inbox
  - 修复了浏览收件箱的卡顿现象

  - Fixed issue in Austrian leagues which prevented staff in certain roles from being appointed
  - 修复了奥地利联赛中,一些特定岗位的职员无法签约的问题

  - Adjusted German players willingness to move clubs
  - 调整了德国球员转会的意愿程度

  - Fixed issue where players asked to be removed from the transfer list, but were not
  - 修复了一些不在转会列表上的球员要求把自己从转会列表去除的问题

  - Adjusted payments received for players they had offered out on loan
  - 调整了将球员租借出去的球队为此收到的资金

  - Adjusted likelihood of user in charge of an international team being offered club role
  - 调整了执教国家队玩家被俱乐部球队看中的概率

  - Fixed rare examples of players complaining about being left out of continental squads for rounds they are unavailable for
  - 修复了罕见的问题:球员在某些国家队比赛中没有资格出场,但会因此而抱怨得不到出场机会

  - Fixed incorrect strings on promise panel related to different context promises to accept bids for players
  - 修复了在承诺界面,承诺球员会接受其他报价时出现的字符拼写错误

  - Fixed rare contradictory inbox items regarding promises not being met
  - 修复了罕见的问题:对球员的承诺没有达成时,收件箱里可能出现自相矛盾的条目

  - Added unhappiness reason to list of players supporting/against a manager in group unhappiness meetings
  - 在球队会议中的球员支持/反对列表里,增加了不满的原因

  - Fixed rare example of a player not becoming happy again after playing more following a first team football unhappiness
  - 修复了罕见的问题:球员因缺乏一线队出场机会而不满之后,即便获得更多出场机会也还会继续不满

  - Improved AI squad building in salary cap leagues
  - 提升了一些存在工资帽规则联赛中的AI建队水平

  - Fixed issue where user couldn't postpone game due to large number of international call ups in MLS
  - 修复了在MLS中,玩家的大量球员被国家队征召,却无法推迟比赛的问题

  - Fixed hotseat issue where holidaying one manager past a match, also continued the other manager past their match
  - 修复了在导航栏,一名玩家通过度假跳过一场比赛,却导致另一名玩家也跳过了比赛的问题

  - Fixed issue where user cannot add players/confirm squad for national U23s
  - 修复了玩家不能为U23国家队添加球员/确认阵容的问题

  - Fixed issue where user is incorrectly asked about facing newly appointed manager
  - 修复了玩家在错误的时机被问到面对新上任主教练的问题

  - Fixed various issues with records
  - 修复了一些关于历史记录的问题

  - Fixed derby question appearing for non-derbies
  - 修复了在一些非德比比赛时被问到一些关于德比问题的问题

  - Fixed various odds issues
  - 修复了一些关于赔率的问题

  - Adjusted effect of training intensity on injuries
  - 调整了训练强度对受伤的影响程度

  - Fixed examples of league enforced stadium upgrades going wrong
  - 修复了联赛强制球队升级球场引发错误的问题

  - Improved Tottenham’s attendances when switching grounds
  - 提高了热刺在换球场之后的上座数据

MATCH AI (v1703)

  - Improved implementation of Inverted Wing Back role
  - 提升了逆足边翼卫的场上效果

  - Fixed shots which were also free kicks not displaying as Set Pieces on chalkboard
  - 修复了任意球直接射门没有在战术板的任意球信息中显示的问题

  - Fixed rare case of match getting stuck after ball is thrown out of play
  - 修复了一些球被扔出场外导致比赛卡住无法继续进行的罕见问题

  - Fixed example of a player clearing rather than throwing
  - 修复了球员在扔球和解围之间的选择问题(?)

  - Improved mentality of teams down to 10 players
  - 提升了球队在10人应战时的精神力

  - Fixed issue where injured players from AI teams sometimes don't get substituted when injured during a goal
  - 修复了AI球员在进球时导致自己受伤,可能不会被换下的问题

  - Fixed ball going through ad-hoardings
  - 修复了球可能跳过广告牌的问题

  - Fixed issue with the match incident thinking the pen shootout goal was own goal
  - 修复了比赛事件将点球进球判定为乌龙球的问题

  - Fixed rare issue with player being treated on side line being used for offside decisions
  - 修复了在边线接受治疗的球员可能会被认定为越位的罕见问题

  - Fixed inability to alter closing down setting for certain role/duty combinations
  - 修复了无法给某些位置/职责的球员下发逼抢指令的问题

  - Improved instance of referee and carded player not facing each other
  - 修复了裁判给球员出牌时,两人可能没有面向对方的问题

  - Fixed rare instance of dribbling past opponent commentary being used inappropriately
  - 修复了盘带过人的解说词在错误时机出现的问题

  - Fixed instances of player incorrectly being considered to have made a mistake
  - 修复了球员可能被错误地认为出现了失误的问题

  - Fixed rare instance of inappropriate commentary for a free kick
  - 修复了对某些任意球不合理的解说词

  - Fixed instances of player being considered to have performed a dribble too soon after controlling the ball
  - 修复了球员被认定控球之后过早盘带的问题

  - Fixed instance where we would skip to dead time before a red card occurred
  - 修复了在红牌出现之前可以跳过死球时间的问题

  - Fixed ghost goal example
  - 修复了一些灵异进球的问题

  - Fixed deflections not being accounted for properly
  - 修复了折射进球被错误统计的问题

  - Fixed keeper handling and judgement bugs
  - 修复了一些门将手控球和预判的问题

  - Improved outfield player judgement of ball AI
  - 提升了非门将球员对球的预判能力

  - Made keeper use strongest side for throw outs where possible
  - 使门将在可能的情况下用惯用侧掷出快速门球

  - Fixed a handball mistake/chalkboard event being assigned to a goalkeeper who was inside their own area
  - 修复了门将禁区内合理手控球会被赛后统计认定为手球的问题

  - Improved distance a player can be offside for a disallowed goal to be deemed "controversial"
  - 提高了进球因越位被吹掉成为赛后争议事件的概率

  - Fixed keeper bug where he could deflect it in same slice as save causing own goal
  - 修复了门将碰到球但没有扑出,赛后被认定为乌龙球的问题

  - Fixed subs being subbed off too early in case of a red card
  - 修复了为防止球员被罚下而过早替换下场的问题(?)

  - Improved instances where Key Passes were not recorded
  - 修复了某些场景下关键传球未被记录的问题

  - Fixed issue with assistant manager not following user's instructions when user holidays match and ticks use formation + use current team when possible
  - 修复了玩家在度假时选择“尽可能使用当前阵型和阵容”时,助教却没有实际执行的问题


  - Improvements to stadium appearances
  - 提升了球场的外观效果

  - Adjusted Grass/Synthetic pitches to appear in same way as standard grass pitches
  - 将天然草皮和人工草皮都显示成同样的标准草皮

  - Fixed issue with substituted player appearing sat on the field rather than on the bench
  - 修复了板凳球员看起来像坐在场地上的问题

  - Fixed issue with player who has been subbed on to the field briefly appearing to be wearing tracksuit rather than playing kit
  - 修复了球员被换上场后,却没有脱掉运动外套的问题

  - Fixed issue with players not wearing long sleeve shirts/under layers
  - 修复了看不到球员传长袖上衣或者里层内衣的问题

  - Fixed issue where linesman flag would flash in the centre circle
  - 修复了边裁的旗子可能在中圈闪烁的问题


  - Fixed manager profile reverting to default setup
  - 将主教练资料界面恢复成默认设置

  - Various cosmetic fixes to the light skin
  - 给浅色皮肤进行了美化

  - Fixed issue on conversation history panel which prevented users from scrolling through previous chats
  - 修复了在球员交谈历史界面,无法滚动查看之前记录的问题

  - Fixed issue with match formation widget not updating when players swapped
  - 修复了比赛阵型界面在球员位置交换之后没有及时更新的问题


  - Fixed rare issue where certain leagues wouldn't schedule after season turnover
  - 修复了特定联赛在某些场景下赛程无法制定的问题

  - Fixed issue with Bulgarian league playoff
  - 修复了保加利亚季后赛的一些问题

  - Fixed Chinese league registration rules
  - 修复了中国联赛的注册机制

  - Fixed Home/Away games imbalance after Scottish Premier League split
  - 修复了苏超季后赛主客场不平衡的问题

  - Fixed French Ligue 1 prize money
  - 修正了法甲联赛的奖金

  - Fixed loaned in players not being able to play in Swiss Cup
  - 修复了租借球员无法在瑞士杯赛中出场的问题

  - Fixed issue with regionalisation in Swedish Second Division
  - 修复了瑞典二级联赛区域化规则

  - Fixed Betfred Cup prize money
  - 修正了Betfred Cup比赛的奖金

  - Fixed Israeli Toto Cup schedule and teams in correct groups
  - 修正了以色列Toto Cup比赛的赛程和分组

  - Correct Belgian clubs now qualify for European competitions
  - 修正了比利时俱乐部没有资格参加欧洲比赛的问题

  - Improved scheduling for Belgian, Russian and Ukrainian clubs in European competitions
  - 提升了比利时、俄罗斯、乌克兰俱乐部在欧洲比赛中赛程的合理性

  - Fixed issue where we were not taking the strongest line up for Portuguese Cup Competitions
  - 修正了球队没有以最强阵容参加葡萄牙国内杯赛的问题(?)


  - Fixed issue when editing person who had Manager or Asst Manager attributes
  - 修正了在编辑含有主教练/助理教练属性人员的一些问题

  - Fixed issue editing players with fog of war active including changing preferred foot
  - 修正了在编辑球员惯用脚等可能导致未知效果动作的问题

  - Fixed loans not showing in player history
  - 修正了球员被租借没有在历史中显示的问题


  - Fixed new season not being scheduled when using a valid German lower league Editor file
  - 修复了在使用正确的德国低级联赛编辑文件时,新赛季赛程无法制定的问题

  - Fixed issue verifying advanced rules in languages other than English
  - 修复了在使用非英文语言确认高级规则时遇到的问题

  - Fixed various crashes and errors on files submitted to us
  - 修复了一些玩家提交的程序崩溃和错误问题

  - Fixed editing nation tax rules
  - 修复了编辑国家税收规则时遇到的问题

  - Fixed some issues with editing club continental rules
  - 修复了编辑俱乐部大陆规则时遇到的问题

  - Fixed a few issues to do with kit editing
  - 修复了编辑球衣时遇到的问题

  - Fixed issue where large files could cause a freeze during game set up
  - 修复了大文件可能导致游戏设置卡住的问题

  - Fixed real results extracting incorrectly
  - 修复了真实结果提取错误的问题

  - Fixed crash editing rivalries
  - 修复了编辑敌对信息时程序崩溃的问题

  - Fixed a few nations which were set up incorrectly in basic rules
  - 修正了一些国家的基本规则

  - Fixed instances of seasons not scheduling in files submitted to us
  - 修复了一些文件中没有安排赛程的问题

  - Fixed issue with certain files failing verification checks incorrectly
  - 修复了一些文件无法通过校验的问题

  - Fixed several issues with implementing a salary cap in leagues
  - 修复了联赛中工资帽的实施问题

  - Fixed issue with League Championship Playoff end dates
  - 修正了League Championship Playoff的结束日期

  - Fixed transfer window changes not extracting to the game correctly
  - 修正了转会窗口编辑没有在游戏中生效的问题


  - Disabled non-admins from being able to remove clients from network games
  - 没有管理员权限的玩家将不能在网络游戏中移除其他用户

  - Fixed issue whereby users sometimes couldn’t view replays
  - 修复了玩家可能无法观看回放的问题

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