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[游戏攻略] NBA2K11 最新设计理念 部分翻译。。。。。

发表于 2015-10-6 12:58 |阅读模式
    游戏名称:NBA 2K11
    游戏类型:体育类; {, D1 y$ V- }( @7 Z7 p( {
    游戏平台:/PS3 /PS2 /Wii /PSP/xbox360/PC
    开发公司:2K Sports- {6 t+ `; o6 ?( [9 r, \
    发行公司:2K Sports
    上市日期:2010年11月, z6 [
    原文:Game Name: NBA 2K11
    Genre: Sports
    Game Platform: / PS3 / PS2 / Wii / PSP/xbox360/PC
    Development Company: 2K Sports
    Distributor: 2K Sports
    Listing Date: November 2010
    As the "NBA 2K" series, ace game design director, Mike Wang witnessing the "NBA 2K8" brilliance have been poached, EA, go make "NBA Live 10". After one year, 2K announced, Mike Wang will return to the company, to restore "NBA 2K" series producer, while the learned 2K's team has now started production of "NBA 2K11". Gamespy in the interviews:
    Gamespy: "In NBA2K11 you ready to join those in the new content?"
    Mike Wang: In the past NBA2K game. You see the basic movements of each player about the same! We are prepared to subvert this NBA2K11 before making idea! We hope that as including LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and other stars. In reality, action! Not only is the shot imitation! We hope that the tactical 2. Mobile, dunk, attack, defense, rebounding habits action, etc. are as you see the reality of the NBA players and exactly the same! Therefore, we will be very busy this summer, recording stars are all off action. The greatest game and the real world together.
    Gamespy: "really looking forward to, such games and reality are you from? Department in this regard, there is that aspect to look forward to it?"
    Mike Wang: Although limited to the function's sake, we will try to find the host function, the greatest atmosphere in the stadium to join the new design concept: in the real NBA game league, you often see changes in the audience part of it is very large. Some viewers have their own special character ornaments! This time I hope to add NBA2K11 in this part of the audience, such as personalized special decoration! In the regular season, the audience sitting on the performance of different rates, so the audience will NBA2K11 team record with you and affect attendance! The low attendance will also directly affect the team on the income of the team owner. Of course, this means the owner of part of their income. There are advertisements. . . The NBA2K11 our part! So the new design!
    Gamespy: listening to after how many subversive ideas! I've been very, very looking forward to it?
    Mike Wang: This is only our NBA2K11, adding a very small part of the new content! Many ways I am here to disclose! But this year's NBA2K11 definitely is a monster, it is worth looking! .................................
    Mike Wang:在以往的NBA2K游戏中。你看到每个球员动作基本差不多的!这次的NBA2K11 我们准备颠覆以前制作理念!我们希望在像包括LeBron James、Dwyane Wade等球星。在现实中动作!不单单是投篮模仿!我们希望在战术2端。移动,扣篮,进攻,防守,篮板 习惯性动作,等等都如你看的和现实的NBA 球员一模一样!因此这个夏天我们将非常忙碌,录制球星们全部断动作。最大程度把游戏和现实世界连接在一起。
    Mike Wang:尽管限于机能方面的缘故,我们将尽量发掘主机机能,最大程度在球场氛围加入全新设计理念:在现实NBA比赛联赛,你经常看到 观众部分其实变化非常大的。有部分观众有自己个性专饰!而这次NBA2K11 中我希望加如这部分观众个性专饰!在常规赛中,观众表现上坐率不同,所以在NBA2K11中观众也会随你球队战绩,影响上座率!而上座率低的球队就还会直接影响球队老板的收入。当然这指的老板部分收入。还有广告 等等。。。这次NBA2K11我们这部分内容!等等全新设计理念!
    Mike Wang:这只是我们在NBA2K11,加入很小一部分全新内容!很多方面我在这里不方便透露!但是今年的NBA2K11 绝对是是一个怪物,值得期待!.....................
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